Spring-Or how to refresh your lifestyle:)


Are you ready to get rid of some old things that you really don’t need? Spring is the perfect opportunity for new beginnings,clean-up and starting again!

  1.  Tips to help sorting things! 
  • Wondering if you really need that thing? Listen to your doubts! If you’re questioning,you don’t need it.
  • Take a look in your closet: every clothing item you don’t like/you’re not wearing/doesn’t fit you must be donated.
  • Throw away little meanless stuff!
  • If you need help, call your best friend! It can be really helpful


    2.  Things you can get rid of

  • Empty boxes/bottles. You don’t need those empty perfume bottles or old half-empty make up products,because you won’t ever use them again!
  • Pictures with your ex-boyfriend or things that remind you of him! Get over it, remember only the good memories!
  • Your old puppets/barbie dolls…well,don’t thow those away,give them to your little cousin! Let little girls play with dolls! 🙂


3. Wardrobe – Don’t keep old clothes that you don’t like anymore in your closet,they are only taking the place of brand-new,beautiful clothes!   Get rid of old jeans that don’t fit you anymore ( even if you love them), old T-shirts( no,it doesn’t matter if you were with that shirt somewhere!) and so on! Think positive, you’ll have lots of space for new,fabulous clothes *time for shopping!* yey!


4. Things good-to-keep!

  • Your diary- yes,it will be fun to read it later!
  • Phone numbers- you don’t know when you need them…
  • Pictures- of b-days,trips,some old party, these all make great memories.
  • Your most beloved stuffed animals – I’m absolutely shure it is from someone dear to you,so keep it close to you!


After you clean-up your room and closet, you can start thinking more positive, being more happy and…don’t forget to get rid of all the negative toughts!

I wishl you all a great start! Keep smiling…..aaa,and Happy Easter, sweeties!


What’s the meaning of “beauty”?


Beauty…a simple word,with sooo many meanings! Everybody has a personal point of view about what is beautiful/or not,that’s absolutely normal! But even so,this doesn’t have to be a standard for me…or for you!


In order to be beautiful on the outside,firstly you must be the first to like yourself! As it is said, “the most important relationship is with yourself”, be confident,you are beautiful!don’t let anybody change your oppinion about this!

Of course, we must take care of our health,outfit,skin,hair and sooo on *well…this is a question of taste,everybody is different and we must find our own style*…these beauty-habbits will make a difference,so they are usefull in order to feel beautiful,too! But beneath this outside-beauty,we must be beautiful on the inside,because in time beauty will fade away!

Anyway,my point is…be confident,happy,positive,don’t forget to smile and take care of yourself! I guarantee you’ll notice the difference and you’ll feel great with yourself!

    Nighty-night, sweet dreams!



Let’s talk about…hair products! (1)

       Hello there!


It is said that “hair is the richest ornament of women” so…we should take great care of it! Well…it is very hard when my hair is rather hard to tame.haha! *rainy days-frizzy hair-bad hair day-disaster!*

I couldn’t live without hair conditioner/mask,and my all-time favourite is from Kallos (for dry,damaged hair),the purple one(with keratine) or the green one.

Kallos Cosmetics is not very well-known,so I don’t know if you’ve heard about this one.It is a Hungarian brand,but it has really good products (and they aren’t expensive at all)! In Romania, this hair conditioner costs around 12-15 lei, so it is affordable to…anyone!


      Why do I like this product:

  • It leaves my hair smooth,silky and shiny!
  • It really works from the first use.
  • It has a nice scent,not too strong.
  • It’s very simple to use (doesn’t take very much time *I leave it on for 5-10 minutes*
  • The price is really,really good.
  • It is really good for damaged,dry or dyed hair.
  • You can choose from a variety of products (for different types of hair)

I recomment with all my hart this product! Let me know your opinion or some alternatives( your favourite hair conditioner)!

Good night sweeties,take care! xoxo,Anita.


This is Romania!


Good morning friends!

Question of the day: Why do you love your country?

For me…there are lots of reasons! Firstly,I was born in Romania, I still live and want to live here. It has a great history and ancient traditions,but we all need to be a little more proud of our country and our heritage. Even if I’m half hungarian I still like and respect romanian culture.

People here are very kind and talkative and the food is great! It is the perfect place to visit in order to relax and take some time off,for long walks,mountain climbing or shopping!

*Places to visit:

-The Danube Delta (Tulcea) 


-Bran Castle (Brasov)


-Black Church/ Biserica Neagra (Brasov)




-Black seaside (Constanta)


-The Apuseni Mountains/ Muntii Apuseni (Transilvania)


Sarmizegetusa Regia (Hunedoara)


-Bear Cave/ Pestera Ursilor (Bihor)


-Mocanita (Maramures)


We also have some brilliant personalities like: Mircea Eliade, Emil Cioran, Eugen Ionescu,Mihai Eminescu,Constantin Brancusi,George Enescu,Henri Coanda and more.They all made changes and put their mark on the evolution of the romanian society.

Romania is a great country and we should learn how to appreciate and enjoy life!

What do you think about this things? I’m waiting to know your opinion!

Wish you all a great day.  kisses,Anita.

Keep calm and…watch cartoons <3


  Hello sweeties! 🙂

I’m about to go to bed and I was thinking about “what can I watch before falling asleep” and… I’ve decided to watch some cute old-school cartoons.haha!


Oh,do you remember Dexter’s laboratory? or Braceface (with Sharon),and don’t forget about the greatest of all, The Powerpuff girls! These cartoons were really age-appropriate,not like the new ones (i don’t understand why children should learn ugly words,rude behaviour or how to fight from some cartoons).

Do you remember any good old cartoons?Let me know ‘cuz I want to see them! Thank youuu!

Good night and sweet dreams!

