Cheers to new beginnings!

Hello there!


This is my first post on my brand-new blog,which is more that a simple blog,it is just like a diary! I say this because I’ll write about things I love to do,or things I would like to share with you all,putting all my interest and heart into my work.

I like to think that this is the start of something great and exciting…who knows,maybe it will be helpful in my professional life too!🙂 Me and my best friend have great plans for our future,our dream is to start our own business *a lovely coffee shop*…but until then we spend our spare time doing things we love, like shopping,travelling and being happy:). I love my life and every aspect of it,i love my family,my real friends,my boyfriend,my dogs…oh,I could go on for hours but I won’t,because you got the main idea.

I hope I caught your attention. Until new time…


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