
Hello there!
I’m staying in front of the tv*of course I’m not really watching anything because I’m too busy dreaming- yes,dreaming about being at the beach,with my dear friends,in a mint colored swimsuit, tanned and drinking lemonade…awww it would be just tooo perfect!
I just love going to the sea,it is my favourite time of the whole year. I love the road until there, the noise on the beach,the heat, summer late nights, watching the sunrise,the wet sand and the waves, I even love that it is crowded!
I can’t wait for july-august,just to pack my bags and get in the car/train,without problems,mobile phones &co. Just us,some money,clothes and stuff and looots of energy!
What do you do in this summer or what do you pack in your bags for a trip to the seaside? Let me know..and until we get there…let’s dream on!



#Best thing in life


Hello dear friends!

It is some time that I haven’t been able to write on my blog because there were some busy weeks…with good things and bad ones,but we’re getting used to it-this is life.

Anyway,when things are getting rough…don’t forget that you have support from those special persons in your life like your parents,best friend,boyfriend and so on.Don’t you ever feel like you are alone in this world because there are people who love you unconditionally!


…and don’t forget to smile,love and be loved!


Summer,get ready!

Hello thereee!

I had some bad days,and I was sooo tired! But today was really cute,sunny outside and I feel a lot better. Monday- Tae bo again,finally! I really missed going to the gym with my best friend,Andra. We really must do something to get ready for summer-beach,skirts&shorts, swimsuit and sooo on.


I can’t wait to feel again full of energy and in shape! I’ll be more careful with my diet and stuff.


* Do you know some good tips,tricks and exercises? I’m waiting for some interesting ideas! 🙂

Have a great evening,good night and sweet dreams all!



Stop waiting!

…and live for the moment!Image

We must remember that life is sooo short and we have only one chance to do everything we want,so enjoy every minute and don’t let your life pass in front of you without feeling it!

Start doing things that make you happy,love and be loved,smile,take care of yourself,have fun and be a good person! Don’t let anyone make you feel worthless and believe in yourself. Be proud and follow your dreams!

*be happy and take advantage of every moment and opportunity in life!



Hairstyles *Bun*


Hello girls!

I’m all into this hairstyles,they are very easy to do,quick,stylish and trendy!  This spring these buns are very fashionable, you can wear this hairstyle from morning ’till evening, with a pair of jeans and T-shirt or with a classy little black dress!

Just try them,you’ll absolutely fall in love with this hairstyles!

Good night,sweet dreams!



DIY! Statement necklace *1*

  Hello sweeties!

So…last night I was sooo bored and I tought “why not to do something useful with my time” and I started making handmade necklaces!

You don’t need much to do one…just patience,time,some materials and beadings-laces-ribbons or whatever you want…oh,and of course,love 🙂

Well…this is my first collar/necklace (it is not perfect,but I’ll keep working on my skills.haha!) :


Hope you like my first one,even not-so-flawless :))


Let’s talk about…hair products! (2) *hair chalk*

Hello sweeties! 🙂


So…I’ve heard lots of things about hair chalk recently and I was really curious what is so fabulous about this product. I really want to try it on my hair soon,but for now I want to share with you what I found out about this topic:)

It is said that hair chalking is an easy,unexpensive and quick way to change your hairstyle *not permanently* !

There are some steps to follow when you decide to use this product:

  1. Prepare your hair: brush and wet your hair before using the chalk!-the color will stay longer on your hair.
  2. Use the chalk: apply the chalk on your hair in downward motion until you can see a change in color:)
  3. Let it dry: you can blowdry or let your hair dry without help.
  4. Seal the color in: you can use a curling iron or a flat iron and apply some hairspray!
  5. Wash the color off! : It can last 1-3 shampoos,so the color will fade.


  *  Dont’s  *

  • Don’t apply the chalk on a rainy day
  • Don’t wet blonde hair before use if you don’t want the color to last
  • Don’t apply chalk on other hair products (like wax,hairspray…)

How does the hair chalk look like? ==>


How does the hair look like after using this product? ==>


Here are some tips and informations about chalking your hair! If you’ve already used this product, let me know more tips and your opinion about this topic! Can’t wait to know more! Awww!

Have fun,girls!


Follow your dreams!


Hello dear friends!

Today I’m going to talk about dreams! We all have dreams…bigger or smaller,they are part of who we are,our life.Dreams are keeping us going further,so never give up dreaming and always believe in yourself!

My wish is to open a cute coffee shop with my best friend (Andra) in our city. We are very into this,we’re thinking about it for a long time(seriously thinking and trying to make it possible). I know it can be difficult to start a business,but I think that it is not  impossible if we really,like really want  it to happen!


We have lots of ideas of where should it be located,how much money do we need to start the coffee shop and how can we make our dream come true…well,these all need financial help. So,for now we’ll just keep working on this and making some great plans!


Wish us luck and tell me some tips on this topic! Yes,and don’t forget to follow your dreams, no matter what others might say… Nothing is impossible!

Good night and sweet dreams.

