
Hello there!
I’m staying in front of the tv*of course I’m not really watching anything because I’m too busy dreaming- yes,dreaming about being at the beach,with my dear friends,in a mint colored swimsuit, tanned and drinking lemonade…awww it would be just tooo perfect!
I just love going to the sea,it is my favourite time of the whole year. I love the road until there, the noise on the beach,the heat, summer late nights, watching the sunrise,the wet sand and the waves, I even love that it is crowded!
I can’t wait for july-august,just to pack my bags and get in the car/train,without problems,mobile phones &co. Just us,some money,clothes and stuff and looots of energy!
What do you do in this summer or what do you pack in your bags for a trip to the seaside? Let me know..and until we get there…let’s dream on!



#Best thing in life


Hello dear friends!

It is some time that I haven’t been able to write on my blog because there were some busy weeks…with good things and bad ones,but we’re getting used to it-this is life.

Anyway,when things are getting rough…don’t forget that you have support from those special persons in your life like your parents,best friend,boyfriend and so on.Don’t you ever feel like you are alone in this world because there are people who love you unconditionally!


…and don’t forget to smile,love and be loved!


Perfect day! <3

Today was sooooo cute! We went with Andra & Andra to celebrate Andra B’s 20th b-day! (her birthday is actually in 16,but now is THE weekend-time to party!) We were in a great place called “Friends & Coffee”…awww,it was just perfect! I really missed going out like this.

Instead of a cake,I made her some muffins! 🙂


yummmmm (cocktail pina colada)


We had such a great time…as always when we go out!…..annnnd Happy birthday *before*, to my bff Andraaaaaa and thank you for everything! I love you,girls!


Nighty-night,sweetest dreams!
