Good start! :)


Hello dear friends!

The weekend is over…today is Monday,but don’t be upset!:)

We all know that the waking up part is the hardest,so…start your day with a smile,a positive tought and a good coffee in a cute place with someone dear to you! Aw…it sounds perfect,right? Not that I’m obsessed with coffee or I absolutely need it,but I think that a morning-coffee or…well…that kind of “go-out-with-your-best-friend’ coffee is the greatest in the world and it simply makes my day!

In that crowded days when we have lots of classes I really need something to make me get out of bed and we all known what that “something” is! After a coffee we can start our day properly!Image

’till later….


Perfection? No,thanks!


Hello friends!

Don’t you ever wish to be just perfect? Perfect life,relationship,hair,clothes,face,body,wallet full of money and sooo on…Well,sometimes(usually.haha!) i want this things too! But,there are days when you realize that true happiness isn’t about all this stuff! Beauty and happiness are in simple things like: smiling when you think about someone dear to you, going with you last money to a coffee with your best friend on a sunny day and talk about everything you can’t tell to anybody else,trust someone, being loved by someone, receiving a gift without being your birthday, finally buying yourself that T-shirt that you’ve wanted for such a long time, spending an entire day in bed or being hugged suddenly by your mom or dad…There are so many little beautiful things in life that you can’t buy with money and they can make you so happy!

You don’t have to be perfect for being in love or to have the greatest friends! You just have to be yourself,with all the good and bad parts. People who really love you will stick with you even if you had a shitty day and you’re feeling down or even if you don’t dress up by the latest trends every single day or look like a supermodel! They will know that the true you is amazing and unique beneath your little flaws.

In the end, we must admit the fact that nobody is perfect and we must accept ourselves just the way we are…if we do this, we’ll be surrounded by true friends! Aaa,and don’t forget that happiness is all around us,we just need to open our eyes!
