#Best thing in life


Hello dear friends!

It is some time that I haven’t been able to write on my blog because there were some busy weeks…with good things and bad ones,but we’re getting used to it-this is life.

Anyway,when things are getting rough…don’t forget that you have support from those special persons in your life like your parents,best friend,boyfriend and so on.Don’t you ever feel like you are alone in this world because there are people who love you unconditionally!


…and don’t forget to smile,love and be loved!


Stop waiting!

…and live for the moment!Image

We must remember that life is sooo short and we have only one chance to do everything we want,so enjoy every minute and don’t let your life pass in front of you without feeling it!

Start doing things that make you happy,love and be loved,smile,take care of yourself,have fun and be a good person! Don’t let anyone make you feel worthless and believe in yourself. Be proud and follow your dreams!

*be happy and take advantage of every moment and opportunity in life!



What’s the meaning of “beauty”?


Beauty…a simple word,with sooo many meanings! Everybody has a personal point of view about what is beautiful/or not,that’s absolutely normal! But even so,this doesn’t have to be a standard for me…or for you!


In order to be beautiful on the outside,firstly you must be the first to like yourself! As it is said, “the most important relationship is with yourself”, be confident,you are beautiful!don’t let anybody change your oppinion about this!

Of course, we must take care of our health,outfit,skin,hair and sooo on *well…this is a question of taste,everybody is different and we must find our own style*…these beauty-habbits will make a difference,so they are usefull in order to feel beautiful,too! But beneath this outside-beauty,we must be beautiful on the inside,because in time beauty will fade away!

Anyway,my point is…be confident,happy,positive,don’t forget to smile and take care of yourself! I guarantee you’ll notice the difference and you’ll feel great with yourself!

    Nighty-night, sweet dreams!

